Coast of Maine Schoodic Blend Compost - 1 cu ft Bag
A dark, rich soil made from carefully composted cow manure and sphagnum peat moss. The cow manure for the Schoodic Blend comes from local beef and ...
View full detailsAragonite Raw (0-0-0-Ca 38%) - 50 lb Bag
Aragonite Raw (0-0-0-38 Ca) - A feed-grade calcium carbonate from a marine source that is high in calcium, low in magnesium, and contains trace mic...
View full detailsCottonseed Meal (6-2-2) - 50 lb Bag
Feed grade cottonseed meal, perfect for acid-loving plants like blueberries and azaleas because of its low pH. Not approved for use in certified or...
View full detailsWorm Castings Mountain Gate Organics - 1.5 yd Sling
These worm castings are from Mountain Gate Organics out of Rockingham, VA and go through a multi-screening process to eliminate worm eggs without t...
View full detailsThorvin Kelp - 3 lb Bag
Thorvin Kelp is a single sourced kelp from Icelandic waters and is certified organic and OMRI-listed. The kelp is processed at a low temperature in...
View full detailsGrower’s Secret Nitrogen (16-0-0)- 50 lbs
Provides a rich source of nitrogen for nitrogen-loving plants. Use to help plants grow quickly, and to improve plant quality and appearance. Grower...
View full detailsNature Safe (7-7-7) Soluble Powder - 50 lb Bag
NatureSafe 7-7-7 Dry Flowable is a fully soluble general purpose fertilizer made from corn steep liquor. The 6.5% water soluble nitrogen provides a...
View full detailsVansil W-20 Wollastonite (Ca₂O₄Si) - 50 lb Bag
Wollastonite is a natural calcium silicate mineral. VANSIL wollastonite is sourced domestically and is not chemically treated. Because it is milled...
View full detailsNature's Kelp from Thorvin - 50 lb Bag
Nature’s Kelp from Thorvin is a certified organic dried kelp (Ascophyllum Nodosum) from the North Atlantic that is a rich source of trace minerals....
View full detailsZeolite Soil Amendment - 50 lb Bag
Zeolite has superior absorption capabilities with a coarse sand texture (14 - 40 mesh). In soils, it can increase cation exchange capacity, water-h...
View full detailsDolomitic Lime Pro-Select Prill - 50 lb Bag
Dolomitic Lime Pelletized (50 lb) is a pelletized limestone high in Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg). Best to use when soil tests show a need for ma...
View full detailsKenkashi Bokashi - 0.5 lb Box
A microbe-rich compound which helps to accelerate decomposition through the introduction of fermenting bacteria. Contains endo and ecto mycorrhizal...
View full detailsKenKashi Liquid Concentrate - 1 Gallon
A liquid probiotic for plants, soil and compost. A unique and beneficial living culture of microbes. Diluted 1:20 (5%) or activated (pitch into a v...
View full detailsKenKashi Liquid Concentrate - 1 Qt
A liquid probiotic for plants, soil and compost. A unique and beneficial living culture of microbes. Diluted 1:20 (5%) or activated (pitch into a v...
View full detailsMikrobs Microbial Superpack - 8 oz Bag
Mikrobs is an organic microbial soil amendment/bioinoculant for plant and root growth stimulation that also encourages preventative resistance agai...
View full detailsSEA-CROP® Ocean Mineral Concentrate - 2.5 Gallon
SEA-CROP® is a concentrate that contains all of the minerals of seawater in concentrated form with the sodium chloride 95% reduced and contains 3% ...
View full detailsBiomin® Booster 126 Amino Acid Chelated Minerals - Gallon
A liquid fertilizer of magnesium and micronutrients: boron, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc, chelated with amino acids, including glycine. The ch...
View full detailsFulmax 3% Liquid Fulvic Acid - 1 Gallon
Fulmax® contains fulvic acid extracted from leonardite. It can be applied as a soil and/or foliar application to improve nutrient availability, sti...
View full detailsAqua Power Liquid Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1) - 55 Gallon Drum
Aqua Power™ is a liquid fish concentrate filtered through an 80 mesh screen. The nitrogen in Aqua Power™ is water soluble and available to plants i...
View full detailsHumax 12% from JH Biotech - Gallon
Humax is a concentrated liquid humic acid extracted from leonardite for foliar or soil applications. It will chelate nutrients for more efficient n...
View full detailsNeversink Blend (6-1-7) - 40 lb Bag
Neversink Blend is a custom fertilizer formulated by and for Conor Crickmore of Neversink Farm. Check out Neversink's fantastic workshops as well a...
View full detailsFish Meal (No Preservative) 60% Protein (9-4.5-0) - 50 lb Bag
Fish Meal is a slow release source of organic nitrogen and phosphorus. Fish Meal 60% Protein is from catfish with no preservatives and is high in c...
View full detailsNature Safe N & K Fertilizer (9-0-9) - 50 lb Bag
This coarse general use fertilizer is derived from feather meal, meat meal, blood meal and sulfate of potash. This product contains 8% slowly avail...
View full detailsBiomin® Liquid Zinc (1-0-0-7%Zn) - 1 Gallon
Biomin® Zinc is an amino acid chelated zinc liquid fertilizer for soil and foliar application. It is completely bio-available and is used to preven...
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