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BioSystems - History, Process and Products

BioSystems - History, Process and Products

Seven Springs and BioSystems Partnership

Seven Springs Farm Supply is the sole distributor of BioSystems line of organic fertilizers. We have been a proud partner and distributor of these fertilizers since the beginning. We hope you enjoy our guest blog post about BioSystems' unique company, process and products.  

BioSystems Company History

BioSystems LLC was started in 2004 by Ray Grover and Vernon Meacham, who were original members of Harmony Products’ management and technology teams. Harmony Products manufactured and marketed both organic and organic-based controlled-release fertilizers to retail and agriculture markets. Following their work at Harmony Products, Ray and Vernon started BioSystems to market the certified organic fertilizer Harmony Ag Organic 5-4-3 and have since expanded their line of products to include Symphony 5-4-3 and Crescendo 8-2-2. 

It Starts with Superior Compost

BioSystems LLC's organic fertilizer products are manufactured by a 4th generation, family-owned and operated layer farm and composting operation in upstate NY. Starting in the 1990s, they employed custom-designed composting equipment, and a proprietary composting system to stabilize the nitrogen in the manure and capture the highest nutrient profile possible in the finished compost.  Unlike broiler litter used in many poultry manure-based fertilizers, the layer manure contains no bedding material, leading to a higher percentage of plant nutrients in the finished fertilizer.  

The composting process starts with collecting the hens' waste and conveying it to the composting area. All along the way it is actively dried with forced air, helping to stabilize the product and capture the volatile nitrogen compounds. Once in the composting area it is aerated in windrows and turned systematically. The material undergoes significant biological activity over the approximately 45-day composting period. During this biological process the product reaches temperatures of 140o to 150o Fahrenheit, destroying pathogens and naturally drying and stabilizing the material.  

The composting process also mineralizes nutrients creating slow-release nitrogen and other soluble plant nutrients. This is similar to the natural process which occurs with soil microbes over time, minimizing phosphate and nutrient buildup, and reducing the potential for nutrient runoff. Following the composting period some of the material is used “as-is” on the farm and surrounding areas to grow organic crops. The remainder undergoes an extrusion process to form pellets. The extruded pellets are then cooled, milled to size, and finally screened to make uniform, spreadable, granular fertilizer. The resulting product meets FSMA guidelines to ensure our fertilizers are safe for use in growing the finest food for you, your family, and your customers.

The BioSystems Product Line

Harmony Ag Organic 5-4-3, Symphony 5-4-3, and Crescendo 8-2-2 are free-flowing, time-release, low odor, low dust, complete fertilizers that consistently perform well from the start to the end of the growing season.  

Harmony Ag Organic 5-4-3 is our flagship product and is made entirely from the premium compost described above. It is OMRI listed and suitable for all organic applications. Symphony 5-4-3 is made with composted manure from USDA certified organic layers, who were fed certified organic feed, much of which was grown on the farm. Crescendo 8-2-2 is a higher nitrogen formulation and is a combination of the same composted layer waste as Ag Organic with feather meal added as an additional nitrogen source. 

Whether you are a backyard gardener or commercial organic producer, the entire BioSystems line of products provides excellent nutritional value, aid in improving soil structure, and are approved for organic use. Available in 40 or 50 pound bags, or 2000 pound totes, and by the bag, pallet, or truckload, our products are a cost effective way to provide superior plant and soil nutrition to your organic operation.

For more information about BioSystems' products please visit our product pages!

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