Austrian Winter Peas NON OG Cover Crop- 50 lb Bag
- Organic Status - Not Organic, Raw
Germinates best in cooler soils, hardy to 0 to -10°F. It is a good weed competitor, does well in heavy soils and fixes 90 - 150 lb nitrogen/acre. It matures early (in April in warm areas), attracting beneficial insects. If Austrian winter peas are left in until they flower in May, nitrogen fixation may be even higher, up to 200 lb per acre. Mow or roll the crop to kill it after flowering, especially if grown with rye for support. Legume inoculant recommended. Pisum arvense
Sow in early to mid-fall at 2 - 3 lbs per 1,000 sq ft or 100 - 140 lbs/acre.
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