FiNALSAN Herbicidal Soap- 2.5 Gallon
- Organic Status - OMRI Listed
A fast-acting weed, grass, algae and moss killer. Finalsan is a non-selective herbicide that controls many common annual weeds. Finalsan suppresses the growth of some bi-annual and perennial weeds. It can be used in cultivated areas prior to planting grass, flowers and vegetables. Areas can be re-sown five days after treatment. Finalsan can be used at any time during the year. Best results are obtained with young, actively growing weeds, less than five inches in size, and in warm and dry weather. Inadvertent overspray will not stain concrete, pavement, stucco or wood.
24-hour re-entry (REI); 0-day pre-harvest (PHI); WARNING signal word (moderate toxicity).
Check to make sure product is registered in your state. Click here for links to check product registration.
For perennial weeds or more established weeds: Mix one part Finalsan with 5 parts water (16.7% v/v solution; 21.3 oz. in 1 gallon water)and apply at 75 – 200 gallons/acre (2.0 – 5.0 gallons/1,000 ft2).
For moss or algae: Mix one part Finalsan with 19 parts water (5% v/v solution) and apply at 8.3 - 25 gallons per 1000 sq. ft.