Sil Matrix - 2.5 Gallon
- Organic Status - OMRI Listed
Sil-MATRIX (Potassium Silicate 29%: 8% K2O and 21% SiO2) controls spider mites, rust mites and aphids, and prevents powdery mildew, anthracnose, Botrytis fruit rots, and other fungal pathogens on vegetables, fruits, nuts, vine crops, field crops, ornamentals and turf. Sil-MATRIX also helps plants regulate water.
When applied to plant foliage, the silicon in Sil-MATRIX is taken into the plant cuticle and forms a silicon matrix that acts as a physical barrier. Pathogenic fungi, aphids, and mites have difficulty penetrating the silicon barrier. As foliar sprays of Sil-MATRIX dry, the potassium silicate that is not incorporated into the plant cuticle forms a layer of silicon crystals on top of the leaf surface. Those silicon crystals create open wounds in the exoskeletons of spider mites and other small plant pests, causing desiccation and death.
Sil-MATRIX is an easy-to-use liquid with a stable shelf life without special storage requirements. Oil, such as JMS Stylet Oil, and non-ionic surfactant, such as Nu-Film, Natural Wet, or Oroboost are recommended for good coverage and improved efficacy. Compatible with many fungicides and pesticides.
4-hour re-entry (REI); 0-day pre-harvest interval (PHI)
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